
Application of Low Temperature Plasmas in Biomedicine, Environmental Control and Nanotechnologies

Project leader: Nevena Puač

Project collaborators: Pavle Milenković, Slavko Mojsilović

Project number: III 41011

Duration of the project: January 2011 – December 2020

Leading Institution: Institute of Physics, UB

Description of the project:

This interdisciplinary project aimed to develop a new system of cold atmospheric plasma for use in biomedicine, environmental control, and nanotechnology. It consisted of four sub-projects: 1) Atmospheric discharges, 2) Plasma application in biology and medicine, 3) Plasma application in positron diagnostics, nanotechnology, and material functionalization, and 4) Measurements of biogenic volatile organic compounds. Institute for Medical Research participated in the second sub-project, led by Professor Pavle Milenković. Within this sub-project, the impact of cold atmospheric plasma on the regenerative properties of human dental-derived mesenchymal stromal/stem cells was investigated, both in vitro and in vivo (the rabbit calvarial critical-size defect model). The result of this sub-project was the publication of several papers in prestigious scientific journals and presentations at numerous international conferences.

Тип пројекта:

National Projects

International Network for Translating Research on Perinatal Derivatives into Therapeutic Approaches

Project leader : Ornella Parolini

Project collaborators: Diana Bugarski, Slavko Mojsilović, Hristina Obradović

Project number: CA17116

Duration of the project: October 2018 – April 2023

Leading Institution: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rim, Italija

Description of the project:

This COST action aims to unite a currently fragmented critical mass of academic, clinical, and industry expertise to improve both the fundamental understanding and translational potential of perinatal derivatives. It includes participants with extensive know-how in basic research, clinical trials, regulatory affairs, and biomedical industry. SPRINT is joining forces to strengthen knowledge in the field and overcome the bottlenecks of translation to enable innovative therapeutic applications of perinatal-derived tissues, cells, and factors. Within Action Working Group 2, the IMR team worked to review preclinical studies in animal models to assess the efficacy of therapeutic interventions and identify research gaps, resulting in three papers co-authored by IMR team members.

Тип пројекта:


Horizon FrAmework for ClInicaL trIal participants’ daTA reutilization for a fully Transparent and Ethical ecosystem

Project leader : Dr Luca Pani

Project collaborators: Olgica Djurković-Djaković, Ivana Klun

Project number: 101034366

Duration of the project: January 2022 – December 2025

Leading Institution: Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), Italy

Description of the project:

FACILITATE is a project built on a patient-centred, data-driven, technological platform where dynamic consent allows the returning of clinical trial data to study participants within a GDPR compliant and approved ethical framework. FACILITATE starts-off by providing clear rules in a trusted ethical, legal and regulatory ecosystem before engaging patients as data generators. This avoids the current situation where clinical data are siloed in separate repositories without any possibility to be used beyond their original single-sided purpose. FACILITATE will provide the technological solutions to comply with GDPR in medical research by building on the empowered stakeholders’ willingness to share and re-use their data. The FACILITATE Consortium was constituted by drawing from a broad range of capacities to tackle the ambitious challenges related to future clinical trials, such as preventive, long-term and real-world evidence trials. The Consortium takes an innovative approach to the data return to study participants by asking them what they need to be implemented to feel in a trusted ecosystem. This requires all Consortium participants to leverage on their existing networks to bring together stakeholders at all levels in the decision-making chain, including patients, healthcare professionals, software designers, clinical trials repositories processors and controllers, ethicists, lawyers and other active regulators. Having obtained a dynamic consent on the data portability FACILITATE will re-use and cross-reference them with those contained in other repositories including RWE data captured across multiple settings and devices. FACILITATE will last 4 years and will participate in the extended Pilot on Open Research Data of Horizon 2020. Its strategy represents a unique and innovative opportunity for medicines drug development and regulation to better understand the clinics of diseases, and to evaluate the effectiveness of products in the healthcare system.

Тип пројекта:

International Projects

Relationship between sero-prevalence in the main livestock species and presence of Toxoplasma gondii in meat

Project leader: Dr Joke van der Giessen

Project collaborators:

Olgica Djurković-Djaković, Ivana Klun, Aleksandra Nikolić, Branko Bobić, Aleksandra Uzelac, Irena Rajnpreht

Project number: GP/EFSA/BIOHAZ/2013/01

Duration of the project: November 2013 – November 2015

Leading Institution: National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands

Description of the project:

The overall goal of project was to gain information and knowledge on the presence (and viability) of T. gondii cysts in meat and other edible tissues in main meat‐producing animals, and its relationship with T. gondii seroprevalence in animals by carrying out an extensive literature search and review of available data on the subject, as well as performing experimental studies on T. gondii in meat‐producing livestock species in the EU in order to assess the relationship between indirect detection methods (antibody detection), and direct detection methods of infective cysts in meat and other edible tissues (by bio‐assay).

Тип пројекта:

International Projects

Towards аn International Network for Evidence-based Research in Clinical Health Research,

Project leader: Prof Hans Lund PT. PhD,

Project collaborators:

Member of the Management Committee of the action Vesna Vučić, Ph.D., deputy member Danijela Ristić-Medić, Ph.D. sci med

Project number: CA17117

Duration of the project: October 2018-April 2023

Leading Institution: Department of Mental Health Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Univerzitet u Bergenu, Norveška

Description of the project:

Redundant clinical research has been published due to the absent use of systematic reviews (SR) when new research is planned. It is unethical, limits the available funding for important and relevant research, and diminishes the public’s trust in research. In order to raise awareness of this inappropriate practice, the EVBRES-consortium define “Evidence-Based Research” (EBR) as the use of prior research in a systematic and transparent way to inform a new study so that it answers the questions that matter in a valid, efficient and accessible manner. New studies should be informed by SRs as to the most appropriate design and methods. EVBRES will establish an international European-based network aiming to raise awareness of the need to use of SRs when planning new studies and when placing new results in context. PhD students and senior clinical researchers’ needs to learn how to find, critically appraise and update a SR, answering the same clinical question the new study plans to answer. Closely related to this is the involvement and awareness of related stakeholders, including patients, ethics committees, funding agencies and scientific journals, to require SRs before approval of new clinical studies. By acknowledging and implementing an EBR approach these stakeholders can improve their own practice and can increase the incentives for clinical researchers to use an EBR approach. Further, EVBRES will catalyse more efficient updating and production of SRs, and monitor the implementation of an EBR approach both in clinical research and among related stakeholders.

Тип пројекта:


Goat-parasite interactions: from knowledge to control

Project leader: Dr Smaragda Sotiraki

Project collaborators:

Olgica Djurković-Djaković (member of the management committee of the action), Ivana Klun, Tijana Štajner, Vitomir Djokić

Project number: FA0805

Duration of the project: April 2009 – January 2014.

Leading Institution: NAGREF Veterinary Research Institute, NAGREF Campus, Thermi 57001, Thessaloniki, Greece

Description of the project:

The main objective of the Action was to advance our knowledge on various aspects of goats’ parasitology and health management towards a better understanding of the different components explaining the specificities of goat-parasite interactions as well as to develop sustainable strategies to control parasitic diseases in goats.

Тип пројекта:


Hemoglobin-based nano-spectral non-linear imaging for future labelfree medical diagnostics

Project leader : Aleksandar Krmpot and enter a manager from Slovenia

Project collaborators: Ivana Drvenica

Project number: We will enter later

uration of the project: 2020-2021

Leading Institution:

Description of the project:

We will enter later

Тип пројекта:

Bilateral Scientific Cooperation

Imaging and time resolved spectroscopy of hemoglobin and red blood cells in THz, NIR and visible spectral regions for future biomedical application

Води : Александар Крмпот и додати име са стране Немачке

Сарадници на пројекту: Ивана Дрвеница

Број пројекта: Унећемо накнадно

Трајање пројекта: 2020-2021

Водећа институција:

Опис пројекта:

Унећемо накнадно

Тип пројекта:

Bilateral Scientific Cooperation
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