
Study of the mechanisms and biological correlates of higher nervous functions, in both healthy people and in people with different pathological conditions of the central nervous system (CNS), is the main focus of the activities of the Scientific Research Group for Neuroscience. Methods used range from various research domains: neurophysiology and psychophysiology, neuropsychology and psychometrics, sports science, etc. However, non-invasive neuromodulation (NNM) methods, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS), have special place in the work of the Group; the Group has gained significant expertise and international reputation in their application. The Group's activities include the use of NNM for functional evaluation and modulation of excitability, synaptic activation and CNS plasticity, as well as studying interaction of NNM and various forms of training, physiotherapy and drugs. Different patient populations (such as dementias and other memory impairments, Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders, chronic pain, and post-stroke conditions) as well as representative populations of healthy subjects are studied. Research studies involve determination of changes due to NNM as well as correlations of these findings with clinical parameters. The results obtained not only contribute to a better understanding of the mechanism of action of the NNM, but also enable better understanding of the mechanisms of cortical excitability, activation, and plasticity in healthy functioning as well as in various CNS disorders. The results of the research carried out by the Group should lead, on the one hand, to the definition of optimal parameters for the use of NNM in therapy, either alone or in combination with other forms of treatment (drugs, rehabilitation) and sports training, and, on the other hand, to the definition of neurophysiological markers of residual plasticity for better definition (personalization) of therapy in patients.

Over time, the group’s activities have expanded to other related areas. For more than a decade, successful studies of the kinematics of walking and its impairments that can be seen in various neurological diseases have been performed. In recent years, the activities of the group are increasingly turning to cognitive neurosciences: speech, memory and learning, executive functions, and intelligence.

Scientific Research Group for Neuroscience participates in continuous training of researchers and scientists (by participation in teaching at the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Biology and Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, as well as at the Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation).

Head of the Research Group

Group Members

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