Dr. Snježana Petrović Highlights Nutritional Biochemistry Advances at EpiLipidNET Meeting

Published 24-05-2024

Dr Snježana Petrović from Group for nutritional biochemistry and dietology atended 5th General Action, MC, CG and YRI EpiLipidNET Meeting in a frame of COST Action CA19105, Dresden, Germany, May 13-15, 2024.

As a coordinator of the Committee for Inclusiveness target countries conference grants, she presented Committee activities during last four grant periods, which were highly evaluated by the Management committee members as well as by the Action lieders.

She was also invited to participate in the Commission for best oral and poster presentation of young researchers and investigators. In addition, dr Petrović presented poster with results from her laboratory, titled “Effects of black currants and cornelian cherrys juices on fatty acid profile in high-fat high-fructose fed rats”.

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