European partnership for a sustainable Future of Food Systems- FutureFoods
Project leader: Jelena Milešević, coordinator for IMR team
Project number: 101136361
Duration of the project: 2024-2026
Leading institution: AGENCE NATIONALE DE LA RECHERCHE (PIC: 998711613, located in PARIS, FR)
The vision of FutureFoodS is to collectively achieve environmentally friendly, socially secure, fair and economically viable healthy and safe Food Systems (FS) for Europe. FutureFoodS gather 87 partners from 22 EU Member States, 6 Associated Countries and 1 third country. FutureFoodS includes public and private actors, policy makers, foundations, locally, sub-nationally, nationally, EU-widely. All these FutureFoodS partners are fully aligned on the vision for the Partnership and the methodology for its implementation in line with SDG17 and EU Green Deal components. This vision has been broken down into general (GO), specific (SO) and operational (OO) objectives applying across the 4 R&I areas and 4 transversal activities identified by the FutureFoods consortium in its stable draft Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) which constitutes the strategic backbone of the project. The four GO cover: GO1 – Functioning of FS; GO2 – System approaches; GO3 – Inclusive government; GO4 – Co-creation cases. These GO have then been translated into SO prioritised in line with the timescale and resources of the Partnership: SO1 – Change the way we eat; SO2- Change the way we process and supply food, SO3 – Change the way we connect with FSs and SO4 – Change the way we govern FS. In addition, 6 interconnected OO have been set: OO1- Pooling R&I resources and programming; OO2 – Operational FS Observatory; OO3 – Active FS knowledge Hub of FS Labs; OO4 – Functioning knowledge sharing and scaling mechanisms; OO5- Revisiting the SRIA; OO6 – Promoting, supporting, widening & gathering FS various communities. The objectives implemented in the 8 WPs of FutureFoodS will exert impact directly or indirectly in most of the destinations of Horizon Europe’s Cluster 6 2023-2024 work programme and particularly for the topic destination ‘Fair, healthy and environment-friendly FS from primary production to consumption’ echoing to the main EU and World FS policies & strategies.
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