
Neuroshare: Sharing tools and expertise in behavioral neuroscience

Leader : Andrea Vranić

Collaborators on the project:

Jovana Bjekić, Saša R. Filipović, Dunja Paunović, Uroš Konstantinović Filipović, Dunja Paunović, Uroš Konstantinović

Project number: HR-1504-03-2223

Project duration: 2020-2024

Leading Institution: University of Graz, Institute of Psychology; University of Klagenfurt, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences; University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo; University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology; Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine; University of Miskolc, Professional Centre for Methodology and Healthcare, Department of Physiotherapy; University of Montenegro, Faculty of Philosophy; Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Institute of Psychology; University of Belgrade, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy; University of Belgrade, Institute for Medical Research; University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy – Department of Psychology; University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts;

Project Description:

The project is a mobility network aimed at exchange of knowledge and tools across cognitive neuroscientists and students at Univeristy of Zagreb and University of Rijeka (Croatia), University of Belgrade and University Novi Sad (Serbia), University of Klagenfurt (Austria), University of Sarajevo (BiH), Masaryk University (Czech Republic), University of Montenegro (Montenegro), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Jagiellonian University (Poland)

Тип пројекта:


Language impairment in multilingual society: Linguistic patterns and the road to assessment

Project leader : Sharon Armon-Lotem

Project collaborators:

Jovana Bjekić, Jasmina Vuksanović

Project number: IS0804

Duration of the project: 2012-2015

Leading Institution:

Bar Ilan University, University of Amsterdam, University of Zagreb, University of Cyprus, Cyprus university of technology, Aalborg University, University of Oulu, University of Helsinki, University of Tours, François Rabelais University, Goethe-University, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, University College Cork, Tel Aviv University, University of Siena, University of Padova, Vytautas Magnus University, University of Luxembourg Campus Walferdange, University of Malta, University of Bergen, Bredtvet Resource Centre, University of Warsaw, Institute of Psychology – Jagiellonian University, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Ministério da Educação /Gabinete do Secretário de Estado Adjunto e da Educação, Intercommunitary Development Association EURONEST / Asociatia de Dezvoltare Intercomunitara EURONEST, University „Al.I. Cuza”, Institute of Medical Research – University of Belgrade, Faculty of Education Bratislava, Presov University in Presov – Philosophical Faculty, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, University Jaume I Riu Sec, Lund University, Stockholm University, Bogazici university, Newcastle University, Istanbul Medipol University, University of Reading – Department of Clinical Language Sciences, School of Psychology & Clinical Language Sciences, University of Zagreb, Universitaire du Pont de Bois, Universite de tours, University of Education Heidelberg, University of Bremen, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, National University of Ireland Galway, Vytautas Magnus University, Afdeling Neerlandistiek, Faculty of Psychology – Warsaw University, Skane University Hospital, St.Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Universite Saint Joseph, Academy of Albanian Studies – Institute of Linguistics and Literature, University of Minnesota, Arizona State University, Stellenbosch University, University of Alberta, The Promise Foundation

Description of the project:

This Action brought together leading researchers from a wide range of scientific disciplines with the major aim to develop of a comprehensive and internationally agreed-on assessment toolkit for older adults targeting the various subtypes of dementia and various aspects of pain, including pain diagnostics, cognitive examination and guidelines for proper assessment. The collaboration will have as an end product a clinical bedside tool for pain assessment in patients with dementia and cognitive impairments (PAIC). The PAIC tool is aimed to be adapted and validated for use across Europe in order to facilitate common research and to be used in clinical/health care settings.

Тип пројекта:


Pain Assessment in Patients with Impaired Cognition, especially Dementia

Project leader: Stefan Lautenbacher

Project collaborators:

Саша Р. Филиповић

Project number: TD1005

Duration of the project: 2011-2015

Leading Institution:

University of Bamberg, LUMC, Cyclotron Research CentrenUniversite de Liege, Ghent University Hospital, University of Nicosia, Charles University Third Faculty of Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand, France, University of Bamberg, National University of Ireland, Tel-Aviv University, Health Sciences Faculty, Israel, University of Turin and National Institute of Neuroscience, Academic Centre for Dentistry, University of BergenDepartment of Public Health and Primary Health Care, Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry, Medicine and Pharmacy University “Carol Davila”, Institute for Medical Research – University of Belgrade, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, University Hospital Geneva, University College London Research, University of Greenwich Centre of Positive Ageing, University of Liège, Aalborg University, University of Bamberg, Malteser Hospital, Tel aviv University, University of Torino, University of Turin, University of Bergen, University of Belgrade Faculty of Medicine, National Ageing Research Institute, RMIT University.

Description of the project:

This Action brought together leading researchers from a wide range of scientific disciplines with the major aim to develop of a comprehensive and internationally agreed-on assessment toolkit for older adults targeting the various subtypes of dementia and various aspects of pain, including pain diagnostics, cognitive examination and guidelines for proper assessment. The collaboration will have as an end product a clinical bedside tool for pain assessment in patients with dementia and cognitive impairments (PAIC). The PAIC tool is aimed to be adapted and validated for use across Europe in order to facilitate common research and to be used in clinical/health care settings.

Тип пројекта:


Collaboration of aphasia trialists (CATs)

Project leader : Marian Brady

Project collaborators:

Saša R. Filipović, Jasmina Vuksanović, Jovana Bjekić, Marija Stanković

Project number: IS1208

Duration of the project: 2013-2017

Leading Institution:

Glasgow Caledonian University NMAHP Research Unit, Erasmus University Medical Centre, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Karolinska Institutet, University of Southern Denmark, Universtiy of Antwerp, University of Zagreb, University of Cyprus, University of Copenhagen, University of Tampere, Ecole Normale Superieure, University of Lille, University of Muenster, Freie Universitat Berlin, University of Oldenburg, Cyprus University of Technology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Eötvös Loránd University, University of Limerick, Trinity College Dublin, Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital, Bar Ilan University, University of Venice ca’bembo, University of Verona, Vytautas Magnus University, University of Malta, University of Groningen, Statped sørøst, University of Oslo, University of Aveiro, University of Trento, Institute for Medical Research – University of Belgrade, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, University of Valencia, University of Gothenburg, University of Manchester, Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin, University of PatrasMegalou Alexandrou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, University Of PatrasDepartment of Speech and Language Therapyt, Rijndam rehabilitation center, St.Petersburg State University, National Research University Higher School of Economics, St.Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, The University of Queensland, University of the Witwatersrand, University of Canterbury

Description of the project:

 Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists (CATs) is an international network of multidisciplinary aphasia investigators in rehabilitation, social science, psychology and linguistics research from across more than 50 countries. CATs aims to enhance aphasia research knowledge, skills, methodologies and infrastructure. This network of researchers increases the availability and validity of multilingual assessments and outcome measures relating to aphasia. It will have as one of the end products a tool (a battery of tests) for aphasia assessment adapted and validated for use across Europe in various languages and cultures.

Тип пројекта:


The neural architecture of consciousness

Project leader : Kristian Sandberg

Project collaborators:

Jovana Bjekić, Saša Filipović, Dunja Paunović, Katarina Vulić, Uroš Konstantinović

Project number: CA18106

Duration of the project: 05. 04. 2019. – 04. 10. 2023.

Leading Institution:

Aarhus University, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Babeș-Bolyai University, Bar Ilan University, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Cardiff University, Central European Institute of Technology, Charité Berlin, Comenius University in Bratislava, Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Psychology, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Eotvos Lorand University, Faculty of Science, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, University of Belgrade, Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Institute of Neurobiology, Instituto de Investigação em Ciências da Vida e da Saúde, Jagiellonian University, Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Engineering, Lithuanian Energy Institute, Medical faculty East Sarajevo, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Radboud University MEdical Center, Tallinn University of Technology, The Academy of Applied Preschool Teaching and Health Studies, The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, Trinity College Dublin, UCL, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Universita ta Malta, Universita’ degli Studi Roma Tre, University Medicine, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, University of Bergen, University of Jyväskylä, University of Liège, GIGA Institute, University of Nicosia Medical School, University of Oslo, University of Salzburg, University of Tartu, University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia, University of Zagreb, University of Zurich & ETH Zurich, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Vilnius University, İnonu University

Description of the project:

The project sets to explore the neural underpinnings of consciousness through large scale muliticenter studies that focus on collecting MRI data alongsied wide spectrum of behavioural outcomes to build predictive models for normal and pathological cognitive functioning. The colleboration is organized in seven groups: WG1 Neuroarchitectural mapping, WG2 Statistical methods, WG3 – Conscious perception, WG4 Metacognition, WG5 Consciousness, learning, and memory, WG6 – Clinical measures of consciousness, and WG7 – Large-scale data collection – coorinating large sacle data collection sites in Aarhus (Denmark), Krakow (Poland), Brno (Czech Republic), Chiba (Japan) and Cardiff (UK).

Тип пројекта:


From brain waves to memory boost: Memory enhancement by personalized frequency-modulated noninvasive brain stimulation

Project leader: Jovana Bjekić

Project collaborators:

Jovana Bjekić, Saša R. Filipović, Dunja Paunović, Katarina Vulić, Uroš Konstantinović, Marija Stanković

Project number: 6058808

Duration of the project: 15. 07. 2020 – 14. 10. 2022

Leading Institution:

Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Description of the project:

This project seeks to enhance the impact of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on memory by personalizing and optimizing the stimulation protocol for the parieto-hippocampal neural network. The project proposes an electrode positioning method that targets associative memory, a crucial function for remembering connected information. Unfortunately, associative memory deteriorates with age and is compromised in individuals with neurodegenerative conditions. The project also developed new frequency-modulated protocols and assessed their neurophysiological and behavioral effects. To further enhance the efficacy of the stimulation, the protocol was personalized to the individual theta rhythm. Theta rhythm is a neurophysiological marker of memory that appears in the electroencephalographic record when individuals attempt to remember or recall something. This project’s goal is to improve memory outcomes through customized and optimized tDCS protocols for the parieto-hippocampal neural network.

Тип пројекта:

National Projects
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