Project leader : Sharon Armon-Lotem
Project collaborators:
Jovana Bjekić, Jasmina Vuksanović
Project number: IS0804
Duration of the project: 2012-2015
Leading Institution:
Bar Ilan University, University of Amsterdam, University of Zagreb, University of Cyprus, Cyprus university of technology, Aalborg University, University of Oulu, University of Helsinki, University of Tours, François Rabelais University, Goethe-University, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, University College Cork, Tel Aviv University, University of Siena, University of Padova, Vytautas Magnus University, University of Luxembourg Campus Walferdange, University of Malta, University of Bergen, Bredtvet Resource Centre, University of Warsaw, Institute of Psychology – Jagiellonian University, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Ministério da Educação /Gabinete do Secretário de Estado Adjunto e da Educação, Intercommunitary Development Association EURONEST / Asociatia de Dezvoltare Intercomunitara EURONEST, University „Al.I. Cuza”, Institute of Medical Research – University of Belgrade, Faculty of Education Bratislava, Presov University in Presov – Philosophical Faculty, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, University Jaume I Riu Sec, Lund University, Stockholm University, Bogazici university, Newcastle University, Istanbul Medipol University, University of Reading – Department of Clinical Language Sciences, School of Psychology & Clinical Language Sciences, University of Zagreb, Universitaire du Pont de Bois, Universite de tours, University of Education Heidelberg, University of Bremen, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, National University of Ireland Galway, Vytautas Magnus University, Afdeling Neerlandistiek, Faculty of Psychology – Warsaw University, Skane University Hospital, St.Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Universite Saint Joseph, Academy of Albanian Studies – Institute of Linguistics and Literature, University of Minnesota, Arizona State University, Stellenbosch University, University of Alberta, The Promise Foundation
Description of the project:
This Action brought together leading researchers from a wide range of scientific disciplines with the major aim to develop of a comprehensive and internationally agreed-on assessment toolkit for older adults targeting the various subtypes of dementia and various aspects of pain, including pain diagnostics, cognitive examination and guidelines for proper assessment. The collaboration will have as an end product a clinical bedside tool for pain assessment in patients with dementia and cognitive impairments (PAIC). The PAIC tool is aimed to be adapted and validated for use across Europe in order to facilitate common research and to be used in clinical/health care settings.