Lecture by Dr. Vesna Vučić at SASA

Објављено 22-08-2023

The ceremonial academy dedicated to marking 125 years since the birth of SASA corresponding member Stefan Đeline was held on Wednesday, June 21, from 10 a.m., in the SASA Ceremonial Hall, and Vesna Vučić, Ph.D., scientific advisor of IMR and head of the Center of Excelence for Nutrition, was at the academy. and metabolism, held a lecture on the topic of contemporary nutrition research in Serbia.

Stefan Đelineo (Hvar, June 17, 1898 – Belgrade, October 1, 1971) was a famous physiologist and professor at the University of Belgrade. He was the founder and first director of the Institute for the Nutrition of the People, and laid the foundation for nutrition research in our country.

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