From brain waves to memory boost: Memory enhancement by personalized frequency-modulated noninvasive brain stimulation
Project leader: Jovana Bjekić
Project collaborators:
Jovana Bjekić, Saša R. Filipović, Dunja Paunović, Katarina Vulić, Uroš Konstantinović, Marija Stanković
Project number: 6058808
Duration of the project: 15. 07. 2020 – 14. 10. 2022
Leading Institution:
Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Description of the project:
This project seeks to enhance the impact of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on memory by personalizing and optimizing the stimulation protocol for the parieto-hippocampal neural network. The project proposes an electrode positioning method that targets associative memory, a crucial function for remembering connected information. Unfortunately, associative memory deteriorates with age and is compromised in individuals with neurodegenerative conditions. The project also developed new frequency-modulated protocols and assessed their neurophysiological and behavioral effects. To further enhance the efficacy of the stimulation, the protocol was personalized to the individual theta rhythm. Theta rhythm is a neurophysiological marker of memory that appears in the electroencephalographic record when individuals attempt to remember or recall something. This project’s goal is to improve memory outcomes through customized and optimized tDCS protocols for the parieto-hippocampal neural network.
Тип пројекта:
National Projects