
Effect of dietary lipids on cardiovascular parameters, lipogenesis and antioxidant status in hypertensive rats

Project leader :Dr Jelica Grujić Milanović

Project collaborators:

Dr Jelica Grujić Milanović, Dr Nevena Mihailović-Stanojević, dr Danijela Karanović

Project number: 337-00-205/2019-09/32

Duration of the project: 2019-2022

Leading Institution:

University of Belgrade, Institute for Medical Research, Institute of national importance for the Republic of Serbia

Description of the project:

The main objective of this project was to determine the mechanism of action of high-fat foods of different origins (animal/plant) and the possibility of preventing the metabolic syndrome by modulating the n6/n3 ratio of dietary fats on the oxidative status and expression of various transcription factors that are part of the blood pressure regulatory system. The reason for this approach lies in the general public health interest in developing new strategies for the prevention and treatment of the metabolic syndrome and, consequently, of cardiovascular diseases, with the aim of reducing the number of people affected. Therefore, the aim of this project was to study the effects of a diet containing vegetable/animal fats with different ratios of n6/n3 lipids on the cardiovascular system and lipogenesis in different tissues under both physiological and pathological conditions.

Тип пројекта:

International Projects

Cardiac remodelling down the calmodulin kinase 2 cascade

Project leader:Dr Milan Ivanov

Project collaborators:

Dr Milan Ivanov, dr Zoran Miloradović, dr Nevena Mihailović-Stanojević, dr Đurđica Jovović, dr Una-Jovana Vajić, dr Danijela Karanović

Project number: 451-03-02141/2017-09/44

Duration of the project: 2018-2020

Leading Institution:

University of Belgrade, Institute for Medical Research, Institute of national importance for the Republic of Serbia

Description of the project:

The main objective of this project was to characterize the spatial and temporal activation of signaling pathways for Ca2+/CaM/CaMKIIδC- and δB-kinases in defined subcellular areas of isolated adult ventricular cardiomyocytes and their influence on the initiation and progression of hypertrophy and heart failure. The project was performed on isolated rat cardiomyocytes and healthy and diseased human cardiomyocytes. This project enabled multidisciplinary collaboration of biologists, molecular biologists, biotechnologists and physicians from Austria and Serbia, which in the future will serve as a basis for the creation of a network of institutions for the development of modern approaches in experimental cardiovascular physiology. Complementarity of methods as well as scientific work and topics under in vivo and in vitro conditions of scientists from Austria and Serbia resulted in improvement of approach to solving problems in the field of cardiovascular physiology.

Тип пројекта:

International Projects

The role of nitric oxide, free radicals and Ang2 peptide on vascular structure and function in experimental hypertension.

Project leader :Dr Zoran Miloradović

Project collaborators:

Dr Zoran Miloradović, dr Đurđica Jovović, dr Nevena Mihailović-Stanojević, dr Jelica Grujić Milanović

Project number: СК-СРБ-0026-29

Duration of the project: 2010-2011.

Leading Institution:

University of Belgrade, Institute for Medical Research, Institute of national importance for the Republic of Serbia

Description of the project:

A chronic decrease in nitric oxide synthesis caused by blockade of the enzyme constitutive nitric oxide synthase results in a permanent increase in blood pressure associated with hypertrophy of the heart and arterial blood vessels. The aim of the study was to investigate the comparative effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors associated with vascular and cardiac changes. The long-term effects of the combined action of two types of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors on the heart and on the structure and function of blood vessels, as well as their effects on the cellular and extracellular components of the walls of conducting blood vessels in terms of the role of free radicals and the renin-angiotensin system, were investigated. The results obtained represent a contribution to the understanding of the basic regulatory mechanisms in hypertension and to the development of new approaches for the prevention and therapy of this disease.

Тип пројекта:

International Projects
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