
Personalized Nutrition in aging society: redox control of major age-related diseases

Project leader : Mustapha Cherkaoui

Project collaborators: Vesna Vučić

Project number: CA16112

Duration of the project: October 2016 – October 2021

Leading Institution:

Laboratoire de Biochimie du Peroxysome, Inflammation et Métabolisme Lipidique Université de Bourgogne, France

Description of the project:

Тип пројекта:


Implementation Network Europe for Cancer Survivorship Care

Project leader : Prof Josephine Hegarty

Project collaborators: Vesna Vučić

Project number: CA21152

Duration of the project: October 2022 – October 2026

Leading Institution:

University College Cork,Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, College Road, Ireland

Description of the project:

Тип пројекта:


Interindividual variation in response to consumption of plant food bioactives and determinants involved

Project leader : Dr. Christine MORAND

Project collaborators:

Dr Aleksandra Konić Ristić, dr Marija Glibetić, dr Manja Zec, dr Nevena Vidović, dr Irena Krga, dr Biljana Pokimica

Project number: FA 1403

Duration of the project: 2014-2018

Leading Institution: INRAE – France

Description of the project:

Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases can be prevented, delayed or reduced by improving our eating habits. Increasing the consumption of plant foods rich in a range of compounds with potential beneficial effects (‘bioactive compounds’) is an important strategy to fight these chronic diseases. However, the translation of many promising preclinical results into human clinical trials has so far proven challenging mostly due to the large heterogeneity in individuals’ responsiveness to the intake of these compounds. Building a European multidisciplinary network, POSITIVe specifically addressed this issue by tackling: 1) the between-subjects variability in human absorption and metabolism of these compounds (working group, WG1); 2) the variability in the response (bioactivity) of humans to the intake of these compounds (WG2) and 3) the translation of the results from WG1 and WG2 into applications relevant to the scientific community, food industry, public health regulatory authorities, health care professionals an

Тип пројекта:

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