
Building an open European Network on OsteoArthritis research

Project leader : Corne Baatenburg de Jong

Project collaborators: Drenka Trivanović

Project number: CA21110

Duration of the project: October 2022 – October 2026

Leading Institution: Stichting ReumaNederland, Amsterdam, Holandija

Description of the project:

The main aim of NetwOArk is to set up the European Society for Osteoarthritis (ESOA), with three major stakeholder groups, 1) patients, 2) clinicians and 3) researchers, both from academia and industry. The COST Action will allow us to start the process of building such a European Society, with the aim of coordinating and stimulating more interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, technological development and translation of the results to the clinic, aimed at improving the quality of life of those affected by osteoarthritis in Europe. The areas to be addressed in this Action are Primary prevention, Diagnostics, Treatment, Interaction (comorbidities) and Care Management. EU-netwOArk aims to boost new scientific breakthroughs on the five main osteoarthritis themes.

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Genome Editing to Treat Humans Diseases

Project leader: Karim Benabdellah

Project collaborators:

Drenka Trivanović (MC member), Aleksandra Jauković, Sanja Vignjević-Petrinović, Ivana Drvenica

Project number: CA21113

Duration of the project: September 2021. – September 2025.

Leading Institution: Fundación Pública Andaluza, Progreso y Salud, Granada, Španija

Description of the project:

Recent advances on genome editing technologies have opened the possibility of treating diseases through precise modifications of patients’ genomes. However, the translation of the genome editing technologies to address public health needs, require a strong collaboration between basic and clinical research, regulatory bodies and the different stake holders involved for each application. There are several networks to improve or analyse genome editing technologies for different applications, however, no one cover all the actors involved in gene therapy translation. The principal aim of the GenE-HumDi Action is to bring together pharmaceutical companies, academic institution, science and regulatory agencies, biotechnology firms, patient advocacy association and information technology, in order to tackle knowledge fragmentation with the aim to accelerate the translation of GE technologies to the treatment of human diseases.

Тип пројекта:


The European Network for Stem cell Core Facilities

Project leader : Laura Batlle Morera

Project collaborators:

Aleksandra Jauković (MC member), Ivana Okić Đorđević, Slavko Mojsilović, Tamara Kukolj

Project number: CA20140

Duration of the project: October 2021 – October 2025

Leading Institution: Center for Genomic Regulation, Barselona, Španija

Description of the project:

CorEuStem is formed upon recognizing the need to connect core facilities in European research centers and universities that provide services in such fields as disease modelling, embryology, and novel regenerative therapeutic approaches, to keep track of all advancements in cutting-edge technologies. This network is composed of experts in stem cell, differentiation, organoids, and gene editing technologies with the aim of joining forces and establishing the first European network for harmonizing procedures and protocols, to organise joint training schools for implementing new cutting-edge technologies emerging in the field and to become a reference point in stem cells, differentiation, organoids and gene editing in Europe and beyond. The IMR team, having extensive experience in adult stem cell research, has embraced the opportunity to become a part of this network of experts, hoping of both gaining insights in emerging technologies and providing a competent input to the consortium.

Тип пројекта:


International Network for Translating Research on Perinatal Derivatives into Therapeutic Approaches

Project leader : Ornella Parolini

Project collaborators: Diana Bugarski, Slavko Mojsilović, Hristina Obradović

Project number: CA17116

Duration of the project: October 2018 – April 2023

Leading Institution: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rim, Italija

Description of the project:

This COST action aims to unite a currently fragmented critical mass of academic, clinical, and industry expertise to improve both the fundamental understanding and translational potential of perinatal derivatives. It includes participants with extensive know-how in basic research, clinical trials, regulatory affairs, and biomedical industry. SPRINT is joining forces to strengthen knowledge in the field and overcome the bottlenecks of translation to enable innovative therapeutic applications of perinatal-derived tissues, cells, and factors. Within Action Working Group 2, the IMR team worked to review preclinical studies in animal models to assess the efficacy of therapeutic interventions and identify research gaps, resulting in three papers co-authored by IMR team members.

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