Hemoglobin-based nano-spectral non-linear imaging for future labelfree medical diagnostics

Project leader : Aleksandar Krmpot and enter a manager from Slovenia

Project collaborators: Ivana Drvenica

Project number: We will enter later

uration of the project: 2020-2021

Leading Institution:

Description of the project:

We will enter later

Тип пројекта:

Bilateral Scientific Cooperation

Imaging and time resolved spectroscopy of hemoglobin and red blood cells in THz, NIR and visible spectral regions for future biomedical application

Води : Александар Крмпот и додати име са стране Немачке

Сарадници на пројекту: Ивана Дрвеница

Број пројекта: Унећемо накнадно

Трајање пројекта: 2020-2021

Водећа институција:

Опис пројекта:

Унећемо накнадно

Тип пројекта:

Bilateral Scientific Cooperation

Enhancement of the stability and bioavailability of phytochemicals by using different delivery systems and mathematical modeling of an in vitro gastrointestinal simulation

Води : Ивана Дрвеница и Теа Билушић

Сарадници на пројекту: Ивана Дрвеница

Број пројекта: 451-03-40/2016-09/17

Трајање пројекта: 2016-2017

Водећа институција:

Опис пројекта:

Унећемо накнадно

Тип пројекта:

Bilateral Scientific Cooperation

Hemoglobin from renewable source as a starting material for a heme iron product for prevention and therapy of anemia in domestic animals: optimization of process of isolation and purification of hemoglobin

Води : Весна Илић и Др Алеш Подгорник

Сарадници на пројекту: Ивана Дрвеница

Број пројекта: 651-03-1251/2012-09/27

Трајање пројекта: 2012-2013

Водећа институција:

Опис пројекта:

Унећемо накнадно

Тип пројекта:

Bilateral Scientific Cooperation

Characterization of extracts isolated from plant family Lamiaceae and examination of their anti-oxidative, anti-lipemic and anti-hypertensive effects in vivo.

Project leader: Dr Nevena Mihailović Stanojević

Project collaborators:

Dr Nevena Mihailović Stanojević, dr Zoran Miloradović, dr Jelica Grujić Milanović, dr Đurđica Jovović, dr Milan Ivanov

Project number: 69-00-49/2010-02

Duration of the project: January 2011 – December 2012

Leading Institution:

University of Belgrade, Institute for Medical Research, Institute of national importance for the Republic of Serbia

Description of the project:

Extraction procedures for the preparation of plant extracts suitable for intravenous use under acute experimental conditions were developed to clarify the possible role of polyphenols and flavonoids from plants of the Lamiaceae family in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the qualitative and quantitative composition of bioactive compounds, especially polyphenols in the studied extracts, and the in vitro biological activity of the plant extracts in cell cultures were determined. Besides, the antihypertensive, antioxidant, and antiflipemic effects of extracts isolated from plants of the Lamiaceae family were studied in an experimental model of essential hypertension. Since the plant species studied are those that have long been used as beverages or herbal preparations, the aim of this project was to combine two complementary areas of research to define the composition and effects of plant extracts from the Lamiaceae family so that their consumption can ensure an adequate supply of biologically active compounds that may have beneficial effects on human health.

Тип пројекта:

Bilateral Scientific Cooperation
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