Reviewing prevention measures and evaluating the burden of toxoplasmosis in transplant patients in European countries
Project leader : dr Florence ROBERT-GANGNEUX,
Project collaborators:
Project number: grant (P307-09) from ESCMID
Duration of the project: 2014 – 2016.
Leading Institution:
University of Rennes, CHU Rennes, France
Опис пројекта:
The number of transplants is increasing, leading to an increasing number of patients at risk of toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis prevention practice, prevalence, and outcomes for hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) and solid organ transplant (SOT; heart, kidney, or liver) patients in Europe were analyzed. Electronic data on the transplant population and prevention guidelines/regulations and clinical data on toxoplasmosis cases diagnosed during 2010–2014 were collected. Serological pre-transplant screening of allohematopoietic stem cell donors was performed in 80% of countries, screening of organ donors in 100%. Recipients were systematically screened in 6 countries. Targeted chemoprophylaxis against toxoplasma was heterogeneous. A total of 87 cases of toxoplasmosis were recorded (58 allo-HSCT, 29 SOT). The 6-month survival rate was lower among Toxoplasma seropositive recipients and among allohematopoietic stem cell and liver recipients. Chemoprophylaxis improved outcomes for SOT recipients. Toxoplasmosis continues to be associated with high mortality rates among transplant recipients. Guidelines are urgently needed to standardize prophylactic regimens and optimize patient management.
Тип пројекта:
International Projects